Wednesday 16 December 2015

Saftey On Set ☮ ☮ ☮

With certain scenes in our film we had to make sure that our actors were safe and didn't come to any harm whilst filming particularly risky scenes. The only time we had to do this was when filming the multiple shots of our actress, Nadiye ,when her character ,Tara ,is being suffocated by a plastic bag.

To over come this problem we had the idea to film different angles of "Tara" being suffocated so we could have only certain parts of Nadiye's face in shot, this meant using an extreme closeup effect when doing this, luckily we found this more effective with the scene in the long run and so found the scene successful to shoot. The actual strategy of this was having two identical carrier bag and cutting one with a whole where Nadiye's mouth lined up so she could breath through her mouth, here is where we would film Nadiye's upper features from her nose up, and then the second bag with a whole cut where Nadiye's nose would be so she can breath through her nose, and is where we would film Nadiye as she breathed heavily through her mouth in an extreme close up shot, and to make sure that the mage looked tight enough we secured the bag at the back with a rubber band.

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