Saturday 12 December 2015

Questionnaire ☮ ☮ ☮

For our film we wanted yo carry out a questionnaire to assess where to film, who to target our audience at and what to include in the film that will interest the audience. To ensure that the results we receive aren't bias or unfair we asked people from a range of ages and gender to see whats more frequent in ages and gender, we done this by asking the public the following questions:

The Questionnaire:

Out of these genres, which is your favourite?

A. Thriller
B. Horror
C. Comedy
D. Romance

What would you expect to happen in a thriller film?

A. Murder
B. Theft
C. Kidnapping
D. Action

How often do you go to the cinema per month?

A. 1-2 times
B. 3-4 times
C. More than 4 times
D. None of the above

Out of the following films, which is your favorite?

A. Taken 1, 2 or 3
B. Psycho
C. Jaws
D. The Dark Knight
E. Any from the James Bone franchise
D. Any from The Hunger Games franchise

Where would you expect a thriller to be situated?

A. Woods
B. City
C. Shopping Centre
D. Alley Way

Do you prefer having a male or female protagonist? Why?

A. Male
B. Female

Which of these film titles appeal to you the most?

A. Alley Way
B. The Woods
C. Help!
D. Missing

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