Wednesday 16 December 2015

Behind the Scenes- Assault Scene ☮ ☮ ☮

Here I will be showing you what my group got up to when filming our assault scene where we filmed the shots that would take up the majority of our film opening. All together the film took 3 hours to shoot and there were plenty of options we had to use at the end of the day.

Here is the first thing we filmed on our day of shooting, this is where Nadiye (Tara) walks up a mysterious looking pathway leading up to the woods, we liked this shot as it shows her entering the intimidating location and makes the audience try to perceive whats going to happen. This shot was relatively easy to film with Mae filing as Nadiye walks up the path, the path was very long but we wanted to film Nadiye talking the entire length of it so we could decide from where we wanted to have her being seen as we also wanted to incorporate her walking over the bridge which is directly after the path and we didn't want to show Nadiye walking the entire length of the path as we believe the shot would have gone on for way too long, and we got this shot in one take which we will then trim down when editing.

Here we can see Mae filming with the Nikon camera, at a low canted angle shot where Nadiye is seen walking her dog over the rusted and murky green coloured bridge, we wanted to incorporate this specific shot so that we could give the impression that the scenes to follow would be strange and so this shot would create the distorted and eerie look that we wanted. Also with Mae being at a low angle this would show Nadiye as a powerful character which would have given her prevalence in the shot to make her seem like an important character, for she is our protagonist.Again we had Nadiye walk the entire length of the bridge just so that we could decide from what point Nadiye would start on the bridge in the shot, but we knew that we wanted to end the shot immediately after Nadiye gets off the bridge as we want to end all shots sharply.

This was the shot that we took that had taken us a few times to get right as with our actress's facial expression we found it difficult to show a dead look and wanted her to seem as realistic as we could. In the particular shot we had Katy filming from a extremely low angle so we had an eyeshot with Nadiye as she played dead on the ground, this is when I ( the antagonist) leant over the camera to grab the plastic bag that concealed Nadiyes face and would expose her lifelessness. This was a quick shot just so that the audience could gather that the antagonist had succeeded and had murdered our protagonist Tara, we wanted to make them question for why she had been murdered as we didn't let on at any point a reason to why she would have been a target to anyone especially to the point of murder.

Here we have some of the behind the scenes videos one is of the assault scene when Tara gets suffocated to death, and the second part we filmed of Nadiye's mouth being in shot where we saw her breathing rapidly and is going to be towards the end of the assault scene as we though this would be a great ending shot right before the climax of the scene. The video below is of behind the scenes of the shots we took for when our two antagonists were conversing with each other.

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