Saturday 12 December 2015

Costume Research ☮ ☮ ☮

Our group put a lot of thought into the costumes that our characters will be wearing in order to fit in with the genre of our film and the moods we want the audience to feel towards each individual character. We also will have the colour scheme of their outfit to be identifiable to the connotations we are trying to portray e.g. black-evil, white- innocence.

Protagonist one- Tara
Being the protagonist in our opening scene we wanted to portray a look of casual but yet brightly coloured clothes, we decided to have Nadiye dress in a hoodie which would show a comfortable and relaxed look to show that she is unsuspecting and clueless of the fact that she is going to be attacked.

We also wanted to incorporate a reason to why Nadiye would be walking in the woods, so we used Nadiye's dog in order to show a relatable habit to do during the day with the audience as it seems to be a planned schedule that we wanted to portray to the audience so that it seems the attacker knows what "Tara" does everyday.

But even though she doesn't have any extremely dark colours, we still have incorporated a darker shade of the clothes she wears to still show that it's a dark setting.

Antagonist One- Rosemary

Obviously with being the attacker/killer we wanted to shoe connotations of evil and power and also fear, so we dressed the character "Rosemary" in all black everything, but the lining of the coat is red which we thought could have been a problem, but then we thought that the connotations of this colour is blood and violence which would also fit into the connotations of the character that we wanted to portray.

We also had the character have a balaclava on which remained the mystery and whodunnit themes throughout the clip, until we see her face toward the end of the clip.

Antagonist Two- Bella
Here we also wanted to chow connotations of evil but with bells costume we wanted to show that she isn't as evil as Rosemary as she wasn't the one who had actually attacked/murdered her, and so we dressed Bella in a dark coloured coat we we zipped up over Katy's shirt, as we though that her shirt didn't fit into the connotations of the character.

We also had her in black jeans to show the dark evilness of her character as well, to show some sense of partnership between her character and rosemary's so that you could put some comparisons within the two characters.

Protagonist Two-Ellie
For this character we wanted to show her emotions of anger and nervousness,but still wanted to remain the sense of innocence as she is still a victim type in the opening, as we see this character as a sense of hope to the main protagonist Tara when she has been attacked as she is the recipient to the text which would make her he saviour if she went to her rescue.

Due to this we wanted to have her dressed in dark colours to show her angry mood but still show innocence by indeed have colour to her outfit.

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