Wednesday 23 December 2015

Font Analysis ☮ ☮ ☮

Today I will be analysing the final fonts that I have decided to bring to my shortlist for my groups film, although none are definitely going to be used each member of our group will be designing their favourite titles and we will all come to a decision on which to use. We intended to call our film the alleyway but we felt this wasn't as effective as it could be, so we decided to keep it short and snappy and go with " The Alley".

My first title that I have chosen caught my eye with its style of being scratched and messy made me see that this font fitted well with what our content consists of, being murder and mystery. Though downsides I would say of this font was that the connotations I would associate with it are of the horror genre and with our genre being thriller it may be confusing to get that from this font. I made the font size large as i think if it was smaller it would look less dangerous and bold and so I put the size at 125 and i think it stands perfectly, I did not know whether the colour brought down the effectiveness of the font as it showed it wasn't as the evil an darkness to which I wanted but though against a dark background the title would pop and show that the alley of which spoken contains a majorly important scene and source of plot. But with the black outline I feel as if the text is still bold and can pop off a lightly coloured background, but I would steer more towards a dark background to fit with the genre of our film.

I really liked this font as it showed a sense of mystery, as with this font people would tend to stereotype this with magazine cutouts to form a letter of threat, This also is linked to younger people, and with our film situating around teenagers, I feel like this connotes our film of being based around threatening teenagers. The colour scheme I also really liked there is both black and white incorporated and I feel like both show that there is good and evil within characters, with white showing connotations of purity and innocence and black showing evil and danger, which I believe explains both our protagonists and antagonists well. Again I believe our title has to be large and bold so my font size is 125 to stand out, I believe that a light background with this font as the blur surrounding the font makes it more suitable with a white background.

The sense from this font I got was that was that something that was once fine has been damaged as it appears the text was perfectly in tact and someone has scratched it making it messy and unpleasant. The text size is at 125 as I believe whatever font we decide on it should be large to fit with our theme of being bold and dangerous. I also like the monochrome theme running through my fonts as I think the idea I'm trying to get across is that our plot is in black and white you see it as it happens and you're waiting for the characters to find out. Although I don't like the wait the Y at the end of alley drifts on its own away from the rest of the title. With the feel in our film being set at an abandoned area (the alley), the title seems to show that this could be a sign that we could incorporate in this font within the film perhaps, to show a sense of continuity.

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