Wednesday 16 December 2015

Font and Title Analysis ☮ ☮ ☮

Title Decision

Our results have shown us that the most popular film title was "Alleyway" we have yet to decide if we will call it "the alleyway" or just "alleyway", we want to judge this on how well our font will look with the title. We think our title is effective as alleyway as both the public seem attracted by it and also it shows a big part of our films plot with our most important scene being set in an alleyway where our protagonist gets assaulted. 

Font Ideas

The font will play a big part on our film as if who we want to portray our film on first impressions.
Some ideas are from what we take inspiration from and the following films are the ones that got myself and my group's eye's as we thought that they would be a possible contender to be the font for our film title.

Font Inspirations

Into The Woods

The "Into The Woods" font appealed very much to our group as it showed similarities to our films setting, with our film being set majority nan alleyway in a wedlock environment and would fit into the creepy woods category. We really liked how the word "WOODS" was only in the font of the strange leafless and creepy trees forming the word, as we believe it gives more on an emphasis on the word and shows that the woods is a creepy place in this film. With the moon hanging very largely in the background giving some colour to the dark setting.


The "2GUNS" font seems to hold a strong connotation of an action type film, due to the boldness and size of the font being very large and in black it sets a toughness to the film that you would associate with action and in our film we have the action, where Tara gets suffocated to death which again seems very dark and bold , so something plain and simple and to the point sets a serious tone that we would like to have on our film.

Zero Dark Thirty

We really liked the "zero dark thirty" font as it showed the connotations of technology showing a pixelated computerised white font seeming that the film will involve heavy technology. Our group likes this idea as technology in our opening film holds both god and bad moods and systems, such as the negative voicemail message Ellie leaves on Tara's phone which shows a sense of hope destroyed when Tara is revealed to have been murdered at this point but then is shown as a sense of hope when Ellie receives a Text message saying "Help" from Tara after the audience believes her to be dead and will hopefully lead Ellie to finding Tara and saving her life. So with this we though that because technology shows a lot of power with both emotion and characters we believe that it would be a good idea to use this as a connotations of the film in being our font.

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