Sunday 13 December 2015

Mood Board ☮ ☮ ☮

The Balaclava:
The balaclava is in my mood board as it was vital to us when putting our film ideas together to create our antagonist as we wanted to remain the sense of mystery and awe within this character, so to do this we wanted to have the balaclava being worn by our antagonist, to show the connotations of crime, violence and anonymity.

The Call Screen:
The calling screen was again an idea that we wanted to incorporate in a close up shot so that the audience would see both of who the protagonist was calling but to also identify that technology is a big part of this particular generations life, as it is a vital source of communication.

The Carrier Bag:
This was again a big part of the film as we wanted to be as original as we can with the murder weapon as we didn't want to follow with al stereotypes of guns and knives, or even leaving it up to the imagination with only seeing the victim being dragged away. So we decided to go hardcore with a slow and infrequent way of death.

The Jack Russell Dog:
The dog was seen as an important part to our scenes as we wanted to show a purpose for why our protagonist would be walking in the woods alone, as we didn't want to have our actress walk alone in the woods for no reason at all as it would show no purpose at all to why she is travelling in a scary place alone, we want to show our protagonist as somewhat intelligent.

The Coffee Shop:
This was ideal to incorporate in our opening scene and mood board as it shows a normal place where people their age would go to meet up when hanging out, this will show the realism in the scene. Normality is a big part in our opening scene as we want everything that happens to seem as though it could happen to the audience.

The Woods:
This was the only idea that we wanted to conform to stereotype as a typical scary place to go/die, as we wanted to have the audience know that this location portrays evil and sinister feelings so that they can try and predict the storyline and what's going to happen, And the woods is a very scary and abandoned place that is ideal for a killing scene.

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