Tuesday 24 November 2015

The Social Network Opening scene analysis ☮ ☮ ☮

The Social Network (2010) is based on the true story of Mark Zuckerberg and his journey of discovering, creating and succeeding Facebook, showing his strengths and weakness's, wins and losses in the process.

The scene starts with a black frame hearing an american man talking at a very fast paced speed about the statistical IQ rate of china compared to the USA, this immediately shows the audience that this man is intelligent due to his interest in talking about such matters, also due to his fast paced speech it illustrates a certain confidence about the man making him seem nerdy due to the sureness when he tells people these certain facts. The scene slowly fades into colour, the lighting is very dim making it quite dark moody scene, the wide shot shows the apparent teenaged boy opposite a teenage girl, seemingly on a date. The mise en scene shows that the boy conforms to his stereotype of being typically "nerdy" as he is wearing a "Gap" hoodie and has curly brown hair, showing that he doesn't have a very popular style, whereas the girl opposite him shows a style that would deem her pretty and a stylish look subverting to her stereotype of being with a jock like character and instead being with this nerdy boy.

As the couple continue to talk the shot types follow a pattern of shot reverse shot of over each others shoulder, each character is shown in frame whist they are talking showing a very quick pace as the shots alternate very quickly which builds the tension of something that is going to happen. The boy "Mark", then goes on to reveal that he got nothing wrong in his SAT test following the theme of him being a nerdy guy but also very intelligent. Throughout the scene we see that the boy continues to belittle his girlfriend making her seem less intelligent than him and continuously interrupting her when she tries to speak, therefore increasing the speed of the scene as boy speaks very fast and the shot reverse shot being used overtime someone speaks makes the audience feel on edge and anticipate the ultimate end of the scene which supposedly will end with a bang.

The subject of "final club" comes up, which seems to be linked to his college life, he appears to be very sensitive on the matter and takes this out on his girlfriend when calling her "delusional" with an irritated look on his face. We can see that the two are drinking as Mark continuously raises his beer, suggesting to the audience that he is drinking because he is stressed over "final club" and thats why he is being ,what some would deem, as cruel to his girlfriend.

We then see that Mark finally crosses the line when he tells Erica (his girlfriend) that she wouldn't have the opportunity to meet people that he will, making her breakup with him. Straight away we realise that he regrets it when he says if he's offended her he'll apologise, showing that he doesn't like to take back what he says, as he said he'll only apologise if he's offended her. Even then she rejects his offer, leading him to get angry and tell her she doesn't need to go study because she goes to BU which appears to be her college, this seriously offends her and leads her to tell him that the reason why girls won't like him isn't because he's a nerd but because he's an a*****e, then storming out leaving Mark staring blankly into the distance in a close up shot, making the audience empathise with Mark a bit, but also view him negatively as he treated his girlfriend with such distaste and disrespectful attitude that he seems deserving of the breakup.

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