Wednesday 25 November 2015

Age Certificate Research ☮ ☮ ☮

Here I will be researching the age certificate ratings for the film industry and why certain age restrictions are put on certain films, and what genre of movie is typically targeted at certain ages.

First I will start with 12A, this certificate is usually given to a film, that could be seen as inappropriate for children, and means that any child under the age of twelve years old is by law not allowed to view the footage, but with the exception in this certain case to be allowed to watch if they're accompanied by an adult. This certain age certificate is used because of the certain tone the film or television show gives off, for example using strong language mildly, this can be passed off as a 12A, also mild sexual scenes and references can pass off as well. When it comes to frightening and intense fighting scenes, these are usually kept at a minimum, with this being more a playful and stage fighting with punches and minimal blood. This certificate in particular is usually used for films in the genre of romantic comedies, action comedies, and light thrillers, and is mainly used for companies who want to make a large income with money due to them maybe having a situation of having a large amount of money gone into a film and need to make a larger profit, Overall my group wants to go against the 12/12A rating as this limits us on what our opening scene could prosper into.

The 15 certificate is a bit more broad with references, gore, frightening/intense scenes and frequent strong language. 15 certificate means that anyone under the age of 15 cannot watch the footage as it could be deemed to as too offensive, violent and or frightening for young viewers. A 15 certificate rating could be used to prevent children younger than this age taking on certain activities that are seen in the film/show, for example violence and heavy use of weaponry, and drug taking depending on the realism of the context. The majority of film uses a 15 certificate, as it gives the opportunity to include more scenes and situations that wouldn't be allowed in a lower rating, but also being able to draw in a large audience, without loosing too many possible consuming viewers, thus leaving them with (depending on the  decency of the film) with still a high profit. 15 is also the major age for horror films as they still can pull in the targeted audience of young people who want to be scared, still bringing in a profit, and being able to involve intense and frightening scenes which is considered appropriate for the audience. Overall all film genres can benefit through this rating which is why it's the most popular, comedies can add in more crude jokes and drug use, horrors can have intense gory scenes, romance films can have longer and more frequent sexual scenes and references and finally action and thriller can add more violence and gore. This certificate rating is the one that my group believe is suitable for our opening scene as it gives us the opportunity to add more intense fighting and gore scenes, but we also feel that we are restricted still as it doesn't give us the complete right to show exactly what we want.

Lastly the 18 certificate rating is the least popular rating given to films, as it restricts the profit income as, it puts a hold on a large chunk of the world's population from buying and paying to see the film, Though with this pretty much any film with this certificate can do anything they want with their film, but even so there would still be a limit, Here you can expect very strong language being used, crude sexual references and scenes, extremely gory scenes and intense fighting which could be traumatic on certain members of its audience. Extreme horror films with this rating, would involve scenes that could cause traumatic distress and wouldn't be for the faint hearted. Overall with this specific rating my group wants to stir away from it due to the intense scenes expected and feel as if we wouldn't meet the boundary of what an 18 certificate would include.

Overall my group has decided to go with a 15 rating as it will be viewable for many and doesn't restrict us completely and for the certain scenes and what we want to entail, will fit perfectly into this category.

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