Wednesday 11 November 2015

Preliminary Task ☮ ☮ ☮

In this certain task my group focused on the continuity rules of filming the three rules were, Shot reverse shot, 108-degree rule and match on action shot. We used the staircase to set our scene to show multiple possible angles to use that could be different. Our clip only lasted a couple of minutes but we put in time to edit our shots so that the scene ran as smoothly as possible.


I really felt that our group had good ideas and the staircase idea was a strong one, I feel like we could position the camera in a way that would look good with creating the right space for the actor on screen, especially when looking downward toward the brunette girl at the bottom of the stairs this was a balanced and successful angle as it was at more of a tilted shot.

 I also felt as though our skills for adding the sound effect of the school bell was successful, as it set to the scene perfectly, illustrating exactly where the scene was being set. Also with trimming the sound clip down to the size that we wanted, which we wanted to overlap to the next shot where we done our match on action, where our actress walks down the stairs in a close up of her feet showing that its still the same person and time, as to not confuse our audience.

 I also liked our strategy of filming each of our actors lines all in their own take and trimming them down in to separate clips in order to get the same position and maintain that continuity and realism of the scene, With this we could also point out any problems and plan out our scripted lines easily and delete any missed takes immediately removing any case for error.


I believe there were some points which we could of improved on, for example with our camera skills I believe we could have made a better all round shot of the part of the scene where the two actors greet each other as it cut off the tops of their heads and they begin to laugh at the end but the camera cuts to the girls talking normally immediately after showing a lack of continuity and realism. This again shows at the end of the clip where we should see the blonde actress be in shot still when the brunette says goodbye, and seems almost as if it's a late reaction or that the girl is talking to herself.

We also could have improved on the cutting of the clips, although i though we had managed to do a reasonably good job at points there were places where the scene lacked speed and wold catch us just after we had begun to act and would show the conversation as unnatural due to the pauses in-between each of the actors sentences.


I think in order to improve our scene it all comes down to the majority of editing skills, the main problem is the cutting to show a realistic effect at the begging and in-between shots, which I believe we can do if our software's sound stopped muting in random places which made it difficult for us to get an accurate shot.

Then also positioning the camera in a place that would be perfect to fit the needed requirement of the actors body to fit on screen, so that the audience can identify who is on screen and can follow the scene more easily.

Then also making sure that are actors stay in character in order to make the scenes easier to cut, as having a certain bit you need to cut out in order to make the scene seem realistic, it would be easier to have a choice on where you cut your shot rather than knowing you'll have to cut out the laughter straight after.

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