Monday 30 November 2015

Initial Film Opening Ideas ☮ ☮ ☮

Our film opening being a thriller we have decided to embrace certain conventions and stereotypes within a typical thriller film, so that is why we are focusing on the theme of assault/murder.

Initial Plot
The initial idea is to have the scene take place in two places at once, where we have our protagonist walking through the wood like alley,which has a dark and creepy setting to show the mood of eeriness to our audience,walking her dog, we will also have another innocent character waiting for our protagonist in a coffee shop, we wanted to also involve technology into the scene so we are using close ups on the screen of the phones whilst messages are being sent to our protagonist as this is a way of telling the audience information about the plot of the film whilst also incorporating certain themes of the "teenage lifestyle" in doing so,texting. We'll also have our antagonist be shown barely throughout this scene to remain confidentiality to insure a mysterious look, and show them suffocating our protagonist with a bag which will also have bloody hits involved to show a gory look to it as well. Our protagonist will collapse making the audience assume death. Straight after this we will have our antagonist reveal their face by removing a mask this will be revealed to be one of the protagonists friends to have the shocking betrayal convention within the scene then see the antagonist take an item from the presumed dead protagonist , after this we will then follow the antagonist back to their presumed home where other one of our antagonists friends are waiting to hear if our antagonist has killed the victim yet. following this we will then see a shot of the protagonists hand moving to show hope.

Tara: Our protagonist who is assaulted in the alley.- Nadiye Killick
Rosemary: Our antagonist who assaults Tara.- Chloe Bennett
Ellie: Taras friend who waits for her in the coffee shop.- Mae Fisher
Bella: Rosemary's associate in assaulting Tara.- Katy Welch

Mise En Scene
Our protagonists will be wearing light colours to show the sense of innocence and purity, she will also have earphone listening to music and a dog she will be walking, to show realism and the effect that she is just a regular ordinary girl. Our Antagonists will be wearing dark colours most likely black this will make the audience see them as dark spirited and evil this also makes it hard to identify them as they will be committing a crime. Our antagonists associate will be wearing a mixture of dark and light tones as she would not have committed a crime but would have been involved in it, this is why she will be showing light tones to show in comparison to our antagonists she is more liked by the audience. Our protagonists innocent friend at the coffee shop will also be wearing light tones but will be wearing some dark as she has an angry emotion and this will be portrayed through her clothing. We will also be using a prop of a plastic bag in order to "suffocate" Tara and also fake blood within this when Rosemary hits Tara. We will then use some sort of jewellery to have Rosemary take off of Tara in order to show a reason in killing Tara.

Throughout the scene we will have eerie backing music to show the creepiness and set the dark mood for the scene. Also we will have the narrative like style of a voicemail message used over the shot of someone being assaulted. Also during parts of the assault scene we will have high tension fast paced music to show the effect of a building tension and action theme when the two are in the situation.

We will be using the Nikon 3200 to film our opening scene, this camera is very good quality and would show a realistic image of the scene, To sturdy this and keep a balanced shot we will also be using a tripod. To edit we will be using Adobe premiere to which we will trim our clips add sound and narration and finally add credits to our scene to make a final 2 minute roughly opening scene.

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