Monday 30 November 2015

Target Audience For Film ☮ ☮ ☮

Our group has gone for the age certificate rating of 15, as this gives us the opportunity to include certain violent themes in the scene that often we wouldn't be able to in a 12 or lower rating. This means we can use the idea of suffocation and heavily beating someone.

 We will believe gender wise the male audience will be heavily attracted to the film due to the high amount violence and dark tones throughout the scene, This is due to the stereotypical male love for the violent thrill of films and video games, whereas women tend to stir away from the violent gory type due to them being stereotypically squeamish towards it. This specific film will be psychological and will have a impact on the audience as we are using a slow painful and somewhat effecting to the audience death, so this has made us believe that this age rating is appropriate as anyone younger may be heavily effected by it and find it too gory for it to be watchable.

Age wise we believe that a older teen/young twenties will be most interested in the film due to the thought that they would have the capability to run and do action type activities which are going to be shown within the film, but also show a restriction and the sense of restriction when it comes to murder and violence, as the actors in the scene will be around their ages and show a psychological impact of the fact that people of their age are capable of killing. We don't believe it would be as popular with the older generation as the fast paced and dramatic sudden music will make them too jumpy and the imagery and the uniqueness but also the gore of the assault seen may be too much for them and be horrified with the graphicness of the shots involved.

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