Tuesday 19 January 2016

Targets for next Year: Crash Zoom ☮ ☮ ☮

With my decision to continue with media next year I have set myself the target when filming to use more interesting and fun shots that would portray an emotion without even having to have an experienced actor in shot. This I believe can be done using the crash zoom shot, to which expands in the width an the camera draws closer inwards. This type of shot shows a hit to the character or object in focus, whether it be that the character has suddenly though of the solving answer to a case or has forgotten something it shows a sense of concentration that suddenly hits the character. With an object it may be due to it being the thing that they need in order to achieve victory, or something that may be about to fall/lost.

The use of the crash shot that I like is that it can be used for many genres. It can be used for a comedic use and not have as much atmosphere with it, I believe this is because of the use of soundtrack, the less or more tense the soundtrack over the shot the more the audience can see the emotion portrayed in the scene. I could even use the shot in a romance film, as the use of the shot could be shown in a scene where the couple either notice each other across a crowed room, showing the love at first sight cliche, or when they realize they are in love with each other before running into each other's arms.

The crash shot that i have used in order to show the crash shot is within the movie clip of the film "Jaws"(1975), The use of the shot in this scene is to show the sudden acknowledgment of a shark attack in the sea, with an already weary character who is on the lookout for this situation. In the background we can see the landscape widening and coming more into focus, showing that the man has identifies the vivid blood in the ocean which is where we hear the non-diegetic sound of dark and fast paced music to show panic and fear not just with the man but also for the rest of the beach and the victim of the attack.

I believe that using a shot like this would expand my skills and make whatever film or scene that I film have more of a professional look to it, whether it be of a comedy or serious genre. In order to do this i would have to research tutorials into what equipment i would need to carry out this shot in the most successful and professional way.

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