Sunday 10 January 2016

Script Analysis ☮ ☮ ☮

Shot/Scene 1
Tara- Hi its Tara, sorry i cant get to the phone right now, please leave a message after the tone.

Ellie- Look Tara, you obviously don't care about our friendship(This immediately shows who is linked to tara as a friend and struggles she is having as a source of plot) , so don't speak to me again.( This shows that the hope for their friendship has just been obliterated and that Tara seems to really stand alone now wherever and whomever she may be). 



Shot/Scene 2
Bella- Is it done?(By referring to the situation of Tara being murdered in the woods as "it" shows a sense of fear and guilt as the character cannot say have you killed her ?).

Rosemary- she's dead. (Although this character defies Bella's style of being very cautious of what's being said and says "dead" you would immediately see that this character connotes a confident and uncaring character, but also seems intelligent to not state her victims name).

Bella- How did you do it?

Rosemary- ( pulls out plastic bag from her right pocket). By not saying anything at all it makes it seem as though Rosemary doesn't care to go into detail, because one if people could hear but also because she may not fully trust Bella, This type of mood shows a sense of ease and cockiness that makes her character seem dislikable.

Bella- Where's the body?With Bella continuously asking questions follows the idea that she is cautious and fearful of what she is involved in making her seem a bit more innocent than her murdering companion. But it could also mean that Bella needs to hear all of the answers so that she can sort it out and get her facts straight, in a sense of she's the brains and Rosemary's the brawn.

Rosemary- I left her down the alley, but the dog got away...  This makes it seem as though the dog getting away may put a strain on their plan, meaning a clue that this dog could bring them to their ultimate demise.

Bella- We never speak of this again. By ordering Rosemary that they will never speak about the murder again it shows that Bella is a dominating figure in their scheme and she controls what Rosemary does.

Shot/Scene 3

*Ellie walking along 
*Looks at phone

Ellie- Help ?

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