Thursday 28 January 2016

Filming Schedule ☮ ☮ ☮

With there only being two main locations for our opening film sequence, we wanted to remain in continuity with the natural lighting and weather, so with this we wanted to try and get all of our filming completed in the same day as the location we were in, so in total we had two days of filming. Our costa shoot was quite quickly filmed as we only had one actress in focus for the scenes in this location, with it taking a total of 20 seconds in total of the full sequence. Following is the first days schedule:
Day 1
14:00- wide shot walking shot past Costa Coffee
14:15-long shot walking shot into Costa Coffee
14:25-extreme close up of hand on phone shot
14:30-medium shot sitting at table waiting for answer shot
14:40-closeup shot of leaving voicemail shot
14:55-high angle medium shot of hanging up phone.

The second day of filming took a much longer amount of time due to the shots taking up the majority of the sequence, the amount of times that we could mess up shot couldn’t be a lot at all as we wanted to film at a time when the weather would be murky and dull to show themes of threat and creepiness. There were difficulties getting some shots to line up with the murdering scene and with this being the most vital and powerful scene in concern we wanted to get it perfect so this took a longer amount of time. Following is the second days schedule:
Day 2
12:00-long shot walking up and across the bridge shot.
12:05-low angle shot of walking off the bridge and down grassy footpath
12:15-medium shot antagonist hiding behind tree preying upon dog walker
12:25-grabbing scene wide shot and close up shot
12:40- strangling scene for mouth and nose extreme close up
13:00-conversation between antagonists:multiple camera shot types
13:30-friend receiving text from protagonist

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