Tuesday 19 January 2016

Film Inspiration: Psycho - Alfred Hitchcock ☮ ☮ ☮

After stealing $40,000 from her employer to run away with her boyfriend, Marion Crane, gets caught in a rainstorm when on her getaway and seeks refuge in the bates hotel, where she meets Norman Bates, a man who has a difficult relationship with his mother and shows an eeriness toward Marion which she is soon to pick up on.

The film "Psycho"(1960) had a major impact in our final film, it stood as an inspiration to our thriller as we wanted to show a viscous murder, but without actually showing it. We thought watching the murder scene in Psycho would definitely help us with it. We wanted our film to be as different and individual as possible, so we decided on having a suffocation murder, but to avoid having to raise our age certificate rating, we wanted to show our victims face in two parts in different shots.

We took Psycho's murder scene of two parts, the first was having the attacker seen but not identified lurking in the background in a slow and venomous way, so with Norman bates shadow seen moving slowly towards Marion show curtain we had our antagonist be seen also creeping onto our protagonist behind a tree wearing black and a mask to conceal their identity, plot wise we didn't take anything from psycho in the sense of character personality, our antagonist, unlike Norman Bates, is shown to be completely sane, but we don't reveal the cause of the murder early as we wanted it to be shown as a large source of mystery to the film and would have been revealed toward the very end of a full feature picture.

With the killing part of the scene in psycho we thought compared to pictures nowadays, Psycho didn't show complete authenticity within this crucial part of the scene. For example the knife when shown after Norman rapidly reaching to stab Marion it would show the knife hanging in front of her, So in this case we wanted to show a more realistic death but keep the same sort of feel to the scene in Psycho by not seeing our protagonists face completely covered by the plastic bag, so in different shots shows her upper part of her face in shot struggling for air then would cut to the bottom part of her face showing her mouth completely inhale the bag.

Like in Psycho we reveal our protagonist to be dead when we see her lying on the floor with her eyes wide open, We done this to install fear towards the audience, as we also wanted to have some horror themes in our film as we initially wanted to make a horror film but we didn't believe we were going to be scary enough to produce a successful film. We really liked the idea of the panning outward of the eye like in Psycho but we believe we would not have pulled off a steady shot whilst also keeping our actress from blinking or producing water running from her eye.

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