Monday 7 March 2016

Evaluation Activity Two ☮ ☮ ☮

How Does Your Media Product Particular Social Groups ?

With our second protagonist, Ellie, I recognise the likeness between her and the character Bryan Mills (Liam Neeson) in the Taken franchise, With my chosen shots that I have used to compare the two characters, the similarities between the two portray the same expressions of hurt and anger, both of which were due to the fact that someone who was close to them, wasn't safe, though this differs with our film as in this particular shot, Ellie doesn't realise yet that Tara is in danger, whereas Liam Neeson's character, Bryan, did know. Their costume although not entirely seen within the shot, the darker green and Neeson's black attire both portray the seriousness of the scene and overall the whole film, as it gives off the impression of their characters being in an important situation, being the saviours of the victim. As at the end of our opening a text is seen to have been received by Ellie which states help, causing her to be the sense of hope in reaching Tara and seeking her medical help. This links of Bryan Mills, as he too has to save his daughter from peril, due to her being kidnapped.
Obviously the main reason I chose this shot was due to both characters seen using mobile phone in these shots, showing that within thriller films, technology usually plays a large role within them, as spies are usually used within this film type heavily, also Bryan Mills being a spy.

Another character I cast similarities to our character Tara was “The Bride” in the Kill Bill franchise due to both the storyline of how both characters escape death by an attacker, which is also backed by the anonymity of the murderer but also with the reason why the attack occurred. Although the shot of which is use is in a black and white filter, we can clearly see that the Bride is wearing brightly coloured clothing that stands off of the black and bleak background, this causing the audience to gather that she is the protagonist, but also see her as weak at this point even though sh regains her strength and pursues her attackers one by one, Which our protagonist Tara shows glimpse of when the text message that is seen to have been received by Ellie, shows that our once weak portrayed protagonist who had apparently been suffocated to death, has now regained consciousness and perhaps not seeking help not medically, but revenge wise, however the audience perceives this message. Our protagonist also wears brightly coloured clothing which stands off the dead leaves on the floor that surround her, we wanted to show our protagonist on the floor to show that all hope was lost and that demean her character to an extreme extent.

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