Monday 21 March 2016

Evaluation Activity Four ☮ ☮ ☮

 The target audience for our film are older generation teenagers and people in their early twenties, a vital part of writing was wanting our audience to be able to relate and put themselves within the characters shoes, due to our characters being older teenagers and having certain parts of their lives conform to a normal teenagers life, such as the technology they use and some activities such as getting coffee, walking your dog, etc... we wanted these things to hook the audience onto the story as this is the type of things they either own or do these things, thats when we decided to subvert in areas such as murder, and uncovering a case. Teens favour films that will thrill and make them jump, with our film having some horror conventions, especially with our suffocation scene and how it quickly springs onto the screen, this would bring in some of the quality’s that would attract this type of audience.

Our group always wanted to use a 15 certificate rating, as we wanted to be able to use more violent scenes if we wanted, so we wanted to use this to our advantage by having characters of around their ages as they will be the most interested in the film. Male audiences of between 15-25 are interested in action, thriller and horror films, this is most likely due to the fact that young males enjoy playing video games, which usually contain violent and aggressive features such as assassins creed and the Grand Theft Auto franchise, this makes the male population seek the thrill that they get from these types of games without having to do anything but sit, watch and enjoy.

Female audiences between the ages 15-25 favour films of the comedy, romance and thriller genre, this is due to the stereotype that women tend to like love films more than horror due to them being to scared to watch that type of film, having said this some females do enjoy thriller films and we thought that to attract a wider female audience we would cast a number of female actors to make the fame audience feel empowered by the plot, making it cross boundaries and do things in films that women don’t tend to do as much as men.making the film as attractive to both genders as we can.

With our plot having the death occur early on, to shock our audience and try and figure out the reasons behind it, due to their age being similar to the casts it makes it seem as though they would be able to have a better chance of figuring out the plot, making older audiences seem less relatable to the film and possibly deter them from attending the film due to this reason.

Overall the target audience we chose i feel was a success as it enabled us to use certain scenes such as the murder scene which is more frightening to a younger audience, without preventing a smaller audience by going for a higher certificate rating such as an 18 certificate.

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