Wednesday 3 February 2016

Time Managament For Deadline ☮ ☮ ☮

Filming Process Coming to an End

The deadline to hand in our opening scene to our films is on the 12th of February 2016, Meaning we have three lessons left to complete all editing and blogging within our time that we have left.

Tuesday 9th February
In this time the most vital part of my time will go into making sure our films is perfect, which will include the soundtrack most importantly I want all sound levels to correspond with what's going on verbally and action wise when on screen. My main focus when it comes to editing revolves around making sure continuity and genuine and professional looks are being given off from this film making it seem as "Hollywood" as we possibly can. We will achieve this by making sure that we have made the best possible decisions by acknowledging our teacher's guidance and input, but most importantly making sure within ourselves that this film represents all the hard work and effort we have put into the film.

Thursday 11th February
With this being the last full lesson our group has to make sure the film is complete and ready to hand in, again I will be perfecting and re watching the film over and over to make sure that everything is perfect, although I would like the film to be completed on this day as continuing to edit on Friday would show to much pressure on having everything done by the end of that class. My entire attention will be on the film throughout that lesson and will be completed for Friday.

Friday 12th February
With this being the final day before we have to hand in our film, I will be making sure that my blog is also perfected having my opening analysis' in the correct number so that I have everything completed for when they will be marked. Also trying to get as many interviewing videos filmed within that lesson and put onto my blog, to show as much of the progress and detail we made within our film, including possibly more evidence of what we do in class.

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