Thursday 4 February 2016

Sound Effects being Excerised in Our Film ☮ ☮ ☮

Sound effects was always something that my group wanted to use within our film, due to our genre being a thriller we wanted to create obscurity and cryptic mood within the use of our soundtrack and sound effects. The following list is all the sound effects we used throughout our film, including when we used them and to what effect we want them to portray to the audience.

Boom Sound Effect
Link to sound effect:
We used this sound effect multiple times, whilst over our title credit at the very end when our film title is displayed, at the beginning when our production credits are run and also when our reviving protagonists hand moves towards the end of our film. We wanted to use this sound effect as it installed both fear and linked with power, due to its loud and low pitched note, Using this meant that it would scare the audience with the sudden loudness we also though that it would show vital information when this sound effect played, thus using it when our protagonist is supposedly alive and when our film title is shown to let the audience gather on the important parts to the plot of this film. We believed that it would be foolish not to add in a thud like sound effect within a thriller film, as this is a main necessity to a thriller theme to hear the daunting sounds that would make the audience jump and scare.

Ringing and Voicemail Beep Tone
link to ringing sound effect:
Voicemail Beep tone:
Our group really liked the idea of merging two scenes together audio wise, so with that in mind we decided to use a ringing tone throughout both shots when “Ellie” is calling “Tara’, and when Tara is being suffocated, we cut back and forth a couple of times in order to build the tension and with the ringing being quite loud,low pitched and slow the scene is then made to be shown more dramatic and tense on the audience. The voicemail beep we decided to choose was quite loud and high pitched, we decided on this as it showed a contrast to the tone of the ringing and therefore the audience could identify that both Ellie would be ending the friendship and most importantly that Tara was dead.

Heavy Breathing Sound Effect
link to breathing effect:
As our protagonist is revealed to have actually survived due to the text message that our other protagonist Ellie receives from the Tara, who was only briefly seen moving her fingers, we though that adding this towards the end of the film whilst over our movie title, it would show a vast contrast from her death as Tara had died due to suffocation so her deep breathing would show her trying to regain strength, showing that she is a powerful character due to her ability to regain consciousness, after being suffocated to death.

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