Thursday, 15 October 2015

About The Audience Of Action ☮ ☮ ☮

Action films usually centre on young, high skilled and aggressive men, who have a love or talent in being able to beat men to a pulp, being able to dodge bullets and overcome an unfair ratio fight and walk away with hardly a scratch on them. The high amount of violence and gore attracts a large male audience as with women you typically wouldn't stereotype them to be a fan of these themes. Male's typically are fans of these films due to the thrill and rush of excitement they get from the heated car chases, gun fights and explosions, Men see this typically is all seen as very masculine stereotypes and so make men empowered when they watch action films. Whereas most women become squeamish to violent and gory scenes as it is more of a masculine film type.

For example this is the audience drawn for the 2015 film "Kingsman Secret Service".
With the film being an age rating of 15, the audience that it attracts is of the age 15 and upwards, But we can see through the table that in fact it is the age bracket of 15-24 that has the highest amount of people who went to see it with 50% half of the people who went to watch it attend, this is most likely due to the fact that the main character of the movie is a teenaged character, like the main audience who would be interested in mostly the same type of things, making the audience relate to his character. The least amount drawn in is 35-44 year olds with 10% this is because these people are older may not have as much time to go to the cinema but also because they aren't interested in high amount of violence and gore. Though 45+ has the percentage of 19%, suggesting that the a main character , colin firth, would appeal to the older audience.

We also see that 61% of the audience who watched the movie was male, further showing that men are more interested in action films than women who had 39%,, though it was still a good amount of women for an action film, this was partly due to there being comedic aspects of the movie and also because of the star studded charismatic cast. Men also are used to seeing violence and such due to them being more interested in video games where themes like this are featured frequently and so they seek watching this in movies and love the thrill and excitement it brings.

We can also see that the highest amount of people to attend the film in a class was C1, which is people with steady jobs ,the working class which is the targeted group due the money needed to buy tickets and to buy the dvd, with 35% we see that it was more the the higher teens and early 20's in that group due to the jobs needed to pay to attend the film. Also due to the more mature age, it makes the audience more suited to the violence.

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