For our groups production and studio titles we wanted to show a professional and individual look in order to make it appear as though it is from a hollywood type picture. With this our first production credit we use is of the grand canyon, we thought this showed a substantial and powerful look that would show the image of these themes onto our film, we also used a black and white filter to show a raw effect, then blurred the image into colour. We decided to call our studio company “ Red Canyon Films”, we also used the colour red as both the canyon itself is a very red and brown mixed shade, but also red connotes fear and blood, which will link into the murder that takes place within our opening scene.

But also changing having a smaller image with the majority of the screen being dominated by black will show a sinister sort of mood. The transition of the image itself is very dark and slow, with the text fading in and out at a slow pace also, to show a more threatening mood through out. The text we used was also aimed to have a serious and formal mood attached with it, as we wanted it to be all bold and in capitals to show that it was an important title and to set the mood for our film that it would not be humorous but more dangerous and of its intended genre thriller.

Our production company “Vivid Productions” holds a tigers image whilst on its hind legs spraying water with its paws, we really liked this as it showed a still action shot, with both a majestic and dangerous animal which would connote our film, but also the action of the tiger could be seen as menacing as it seem to be growling and showing large malicious teeth that could be used a destructive weapon, this again links to our film of vicious and murderous themes. With the transitions we used on the image we wanted to show some link to the name of the production company and in so made one two versions of the image, one being blurred and less impacting and the other being very clear and “vivid”, which after the transition was made brings in our bold title of
“ VIVID PRODUCTIONS” , we chose again to have a serious theme to the font of the title, to which we had made bolder in order to make a more thriller theme to it and making it bolder made stand off the page more.
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