We thought that this path showed a very outlined route which fades into the distance which exactly the look we were trying to pull off with wanting the audience gets the creepy and mysterious moods. We done multiple shots of our protagonist walking up this path in different angles in order to show match on action and a complexity, which showed some professional looks and also shows the audience more of the surroundings when we see the girl walk towards the bridge.
We really liked the appearance of the tall skinny trees that tower over our protagonist in the background, it showed her in a very vulnerable state as the trees show a purpose in belittling her, and showing her her as a weak character. The brown leaves also shown on the floor show a messy and unattended look which help to show the look of abandonment, so that the audience can infer that hardy anyone actually attends this location.

This lake shows a very murky and grim look which shows the audience that what's going to happen will be a sore sight, which fits in with what happens moments after seeing this our protagonist gets suffocated to death with a bag, but we made sure to be safe and let our actress breathe which i will talk about further in another post.
We liked that this lake was beneath a bridge, the railing were rusted and a dirty green which showed an unflattering site and also an abandoned look, which we wanted to portray so that the audience knew that this place would be deserted and that no one would be here.
This is the alley we chose to set the murder/assault scene, as it was a tight and compact setting, which fits with the chosen death type which is suffocation, which is also fitting with tight and compact space. the leaves trees also make the creepiness more effect as it shows skinny like branches. The ground was particularly muddy which makes the audience infer the weather is bad, which can be linked to the plot.
The colours seen in this shot also are very dull and dark also making the audience view this scene as a negative, where they can infer that nothing positive will come out of this situation. The barbed wire at the aide of the alley also show a view of no escape and a dangerous obstacle, the wire although hard to see is rusted again showing the sense of an old and abandoned area which people do not visit.
This image shows our antagonists meeting in a cramped and out of sight alley, where are cast member Mae is filling in a shot reverse shot. also surrounding the two characters was barbed wire fencing and dark green bushes with tall skinny and leaves trees towering over them, which also puts them into a negative light, making the audience take a disliking to the two characters.
When filming this we done all of one characters lines in one go and then with the other character in order to remain continuity in camera positions even though we moved to different angles during the conversation.
by this time it was starting to get dark, but we needed it to be light enough outside in order to be able to see the characters, but we thought the slightly darker setting was helpful to express a darker mood with these two characters.
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