The first thing we see is a low angled view of a florist van emptying dozens of flower arrangements ,by what seems to be staff, in front of a large white house, Making the audience insinuate that there is a special occasion taking place in this venue. The next shot we see is a close up shot panning around a wedding cake, Followed by a zooming inwards track shot of a wedding dress surrounded by a rail of what is presumed to be bridesmaid dresses. With all this included we can presume that there is a wedding occurring that day,Making the audience prepare to get in touch with their romantic side. In the back ground we hear the song "it's now or never" by "El Vez", also setting a romantic mood.
We then see an older woman almost scowling out a window onto people arranging chairs for presumed "ceremony", Giving the character a seemingly harsh and perhaps "bossy" personality. We see a brunette woman attempting to call someone, but seems irritated when she is sent to voicemail, making the audience believe she is worried about that particular person. The camera then pans around to an older gentleman who reveals that whoever the person the lady is trying to call, is in "Vegas" (Las Vegas), Giving the audience the impression that it is something to do with a "stag do" as typically american men go there for their "Batchelor parties''.We then see the brunette reflected in the mirror, getting her hair done, in what seems to be a fancy hotel room with people sitting on a sofa behind her, This immediately gives the impression to the audience that it is the wedding day for sure, due to her being pampered and in her dressing gown. The woman's phone then rings, she answers immediately, with a sense of distress in her voice when she says "hello", Giving the impression to the audience that somethings not going to plan.
The camera then jumps to a man, In what appears to be a desert, with dirty, dusty clothes and a bleeding, cut lip. Illustrating to the audience that something has gone wrong or a bad event has occurred on his part, making the audience feel concerned and intrigued as to what could of happened. Though the camera is focused on the man ,who identifies to be "Phil", you can also see in the blurred out background that on the deserted road there is a car that seems to have been dented badly at the side, with two people sitting/leaning on it, and one other person in the background. which insinuates to the audience that due to the distance between the characters there has been an argument between them, None of the people in the background seem to be communicating, as the two on the car seem to be staring at the floor, and the third person facing the desert away from the others. And because "Phil" is calling the woman, it makes the audience believe that whatever has happened to them will or has already effected her.

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