
Vast majority of Seth Macfarlane fans were waiting in anticipation for his 2014 release of "A Million Ways To Die In The West", With the success which came from the Ted franchise he created, being praised and so popular for it's laugh out loud comedy, big things were expected for his next creation. But... Nope. With a star studded cast, with the likes of Liam Neeson and Charlize Theron they had the first impressions down completely. But the storyline was just empty, with jokes I could half laugh at and somewhat offensive punch lines I was left unimpressed and disappointed.

It seems to be a pattern, as another 2014 dismal movie experience, which is in the form of the "That Awkward Moment", With the storyline following a predictable path, and trying to recover with a cliffhanger to try and make you insinuate what you know would have happened if the film had of continued, the same old same old "happily ever after".With what was the most entertaining role which was played by Miles teller who played the typical funny wild friend but yet with a somewhat ditzy personality to him, There were some small laughs. But overall the film was just another hyped up chick flick due to its well known dreamy lead, that attracted young girls to waste their money on watching.

If you are wanting to see a rundown mixture of the films "Divergent" and "The Hunger Games" in one sitting, Then this might be the film for you! Although this definitely was not the film for me. The film set in a post apocalyptic world were alien like robots have taken control of all humans in sight. With a minority of humans living in hiding,our antagonist "Melanie" seems to lead her and her brother to a safe place where they can obtain from being caught by the robots. I could barely hang on to the last 10 minutes of this film due to its souless characters, the so called romance in the film seemed almost non existent, there was shown to be no emotion at all, and her "family" that she found, wasn't at all compassionate with each other, which you would be in this time of crisis. The Host is just a film created to conform to the movies that are attracting a large crowd gaining a lot of success, but are just failing in the process.
Well I could go on for about 50 pages about time wasting films but, These were a few that I watched fairly recently that have stuck in my mind about what I could have done with those 354 minutes of my life that I will never get back.
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